Thursday, May 9, 2013

Stand ups

Answer the following questions on your blog:
1. What is the lead in this story? Does it intrigue you to keep watching?
An shocking event in a quiet neighborhood,Yes it does.

2. What are the 5W's of this story: Who, What, Where, When, Why
Heather, a breakin through a doggy-door, Denver quiet neighborhood, two weeks ago, to get $

3. Give an example of the reporters Voice over or seque (Write it down word for word)
It's hard to imagine something like this could happen in a quiet neighborhood, but there was  a place about a block away where another breaking occured.

4. When do we see the reporter's stand-up? Beginning, Middle, or End?
In the middle, in the neighborhood

5. What is the purpose of this reporter's stand-up?
To show where another breakin occured.

Move sotry forward
Reporter becomes b-roll
Take me to the scene
Use props
Be creative and suprise us

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