Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Madison's story

Camera work: The camera work for this story was pretty good quality. Only a little movement in the the shots with the football team and volleyball team. The shots were a little shaky while moving, they're still steady and only with limited movement. Other than that, there is good nose room and eyes on third. The rule of thirds is shown and executed well.  There is sequenceing with W-M-T shots. The points of intrest in almost always in one of the thirds. During the interview there was good background.

I liked how even though she has a disability she is still able to have a possitive attitude and compete at a high level. She doesn't make excuses or anything she just believes she can do anything anyone else can do.

A-roll: Anything in the story that you hear.

Reporter voice overs: Reporters telling the story (voice overs.)

Natural Sound: Sound that is part of the story, sounds from nature or that would be found in the enviornment of the shot.

B-Roll: The sequences of the video footage that compliments the story

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

1. What is the focus statement of this story?
A green energy geek, ends up with a cool car.

2. Give examples of W-M-T sequences
Filming the building, then the roof and then a close up of the pannels.

3. Give examples of The Rule of Thirds
The license plate and new car are always shown in the critical points. The plug in of the car. The solar pannel wing in the top third.

4. Give examples of Eyes on Third
The interviewee's eyes are always on the top third line.

5. Give examples of Talking Space
There is always more space in front of the speaker rather than behind him.

6. What did you like about story?

I liked how he wasn't born into money, but he was able to work to achieve his dream of a stylish green energy life.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Rule of thirds: Keep the important points of your shot in the thirds (horizantal or vertical)
Eyes on third: line eyes with top third line
Talking space: Leave space in front of viewer

Thursday, April 18, 2013

1. What is a Focus Statement? Define
A point of emphasis in your story. One sentance that will guide your story.
2. Why do we need a Focus Statement?
To guide your story, and give it a central theme and to keep your story narrowed down.
3. Give an example of a Focus Statement sentence.
Some Homecoming girls are makeing their dresses this year
4. Give an example of a Focus Statement in 3 words: (Subject-Verb-Object)
"Girls Make Dresses."

5. What are the 6 Essential Equipment items you need with you when shooting an interview?
Camera, tripod, microphone, headphones, bateries, media(storage card or memory card).

6. Why is a tripod important?
Provides a steady shot. Keeps film clean, and letfs viewer
7. The Tripod is my _Friend._

8. Define: Pan
Moving tripod horizantally
9. Define: Tilt
Moving tripod up and down.
10. Why are headphones important?
To beable to listen to whats being recorded to obtain the desired result. Sometimes can't reshoot or fix bad audio. Need good audio from the start.

Alot of things can go wrong with equipment, if something goes wrong with your equipment during the interview the results can be detrimental to your story.

12. Define Wide shot:
Zoomed out to get alot of the scene and learn about the overall scene (establishing shot)

13. Why do we need a wide shot?
To keep the film steady
Get and idea of what the surrounding scene looks like.
14. Define Medium shot:
Inbetween a wide and tight, shot less setting more detail.

15. Why do we need a medium shot?
Start to observe details.

16. Define a tight shot.
(close up) to get detail
17. Why do we need a tight shot?
To obtain details not able to be reached by wide or medium shots
18. What is a sequence?

19. Why do we need a sequence?



Monday, April 15, 2013

1. Identify, define, and give an example of the 6 criteria of newsworthiness.

Criteria 1: Unusualness
Definition: News that is different or out of the ordinary.
Example: A plane crash as apposed to a plane that arived on time

Criteria 2: Significance
Definition: Important event that affect alot of people, current events
Example: Elections, taxes, wars

Criteria 3: Timeliness
Definition: Events that are breaking news not old stories (History)
Example: A reccent event, not something that happend months ago.

Criteria 4: Proximity
Definition: Events that are local to the readers location.
Example: Local school changes, or new state tax laws

Criteria 5: Prominence
Definition: Dealings with well known icons
Example: A movie star is caught shoplifting

Criteria 6: Human interest
Definition: Something that draws the appeal of society.(Good news)
Example: A sand castle competion that is about to begin

2. On page 23 it discusses the differences between print journalism and broadcast journlism. Please describe 3 ways they are different and explain.
1. In depth coverage in print journalism. There is more time and space for a story to be told.
2. Brodcast journalism can be faster but is shorter. In minutes someone can know of an event that has recently occured on by radio.
3. Most dramatic news stories are more often told on TV or radio rather than through paper.

3. List all the criteria the story we watched at the beginning of class fits under and why.
Unusual, not everday do pigs take part in a car accident. Timeliness, a new story, not something that happend a long time ago.
4. List all the criteria the 2nd story we watched fits under and why.
Unusualness, not many dogs are blind or deaf. Human intrest, a heart wrenching story, hopeing someone has the heart to take in the dogs. Timely, just happend looking for a home.
5. List all the criteria the 3rd story we watched fits under and why.
Prominence, large icons in movies ect. Significance, alot of people watch the MTV awards ceremony.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Interview of Hanock Megenta

You may have seen Hanock Megenta rooming the halls at Eastview High School. Yet many people haven’t had the opportunity to get to know him. At eighteen years old and a senior in high school Hanock, has pushed through life mostly on his own, motivated by the advice he received when he was younger, “Never give up, never quit, just try hard”. He lives life with no regrets of the past, instead he looks toward the future. Each day he strives to live life to the fullest and finds that the best part about life is “just living it”.  He enjoys hanging out with friends, and just having fun on his spare time. However, even though Hanock love to have fun, he is also focused on his future. He is an extremely motivated individual with tons of ambitions, dreams and goals. After high school, Hanock plans to attend a post-secondary school where he hopes to earn a degree in marketing or business. From there he wants to begin a career in marketing and continue on with his life. No matter where he ends up in life, Hanock wants to emulate the advice he received as a child and be remembered as someone who never gave up.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Interview of a Classmate

Hanock Megenta
1.       Who is the most influential person in your life and why?

Kinda on his own.

2.       What is the most important piece of information you have ever received?

Never give up, or quit just try hard.

3.       In a couple of words how would you describe yourself?

Fun, funny, talkative

4.       What are the goals you have after high school?

Post secondary school, marketing or business

5.       If you could have any type of super power what would it be and why?

Mind reader just know what people are thinking.

6.       Who do you look up to the most?
        Doesnt really have someone he looks up to.

7.       If you had a couple hours to do anything you wanted and, money wasn’t a limit, what would you do?

Put money to use,

8.       What do you value the most in your life?

Just living life.

9.       What is your biggest pet peeve? And why?

People that are hypocritical.

10.   If you could be the leading role in any movie what would it be?

Some type of  Action movie.

11.   What is your dream job?

Some thing in Marketing.

12.    If you could change anything about your past what would it be?


13.   What do you spend most of your time doing?

Hanging out with friends, Homework

14.   What are the top three things on your bucket list?

Finish school, Job, and move on