Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Interview of a Classmate

Hanock Megenta
1.       Who is the most influential person in your life and why?

Kinda on his own.

2.       What is the most important piece of information you have ever received?

Never give up, or quit just try hard.

3.       In a couple of words how would you describe yourself?

Fun, funny, talkative

4.       What are the goals you have after high school?

Post secondary school, marketing or business

5.       If you could have any type of super power what would it be and why?

Mind reader just know what people are thinking.

6.       Who do you look up to the most?
        Doesnt really have someone he looks up to.

7.       If you had a couple hours to do anything you wanted and, money wasn’t a limit, what would you do?

Put money to use,

8.       What do you value the most in your life?

Just living life.

9.       What is your biggest pet peeve? And why?

People that are hypocritical.

10.   If you could be the leading role in any movie what would it be?

Some type of  Action movie.

11.   What is your dream job?

Some thing in Marketing.

12.    If you could change anything about your past what would it be?


13.   What do you spend most of your time doing?

Hanging out with friends, Homework

14.   What are the top three things on your bucket list?

Finish school, Job, and move on


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